Many thanks
to our sponsors

The reputation of a university is reflected to a large extent through the impressions, experiences, appreciations and careers of its students, graduates and employees. Quite apart from this, organising such a unique university anniversary requires broad acceptance and support from the public, trade and industry, and policymakers. With their commitment to the “alma mater Lipsiensis” and its 600th anniversary in 2009, numerous representatives of these sectors have shown social responsibility. They are standing behind their university as friends, partners, patrons and sponsors.

We want to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all those who support Universität Leipzig in so many different ways, who are by our side, helping us with words and deeds and who, thanks to their services and donations in cash and in kind, have prepared the ground for a successful festival year 2009 and, for the “alma mater Lipsiensis”, a future full of hope.


Geschäftsstelle 2009
Tel +49 (0) 341 97-35035
Fax +49 (0) 341 97-35039