till Friday, May 22, 2009
Dahlener Heide bei Sitzenroda (Donnerstag), Sportcampus / Palmengarten (Freitag)
International German University Orienteering Championship (IDHM OL)
Orienteering is an outdoor sport practised by amateur enthusiasts and top athletes of all ages. The aim is to reach a certain number of control posts in a specified order with the aid of only a map and a compass. The fastest wins - making this an ideal training exercise for mind and body, as decisions as to which is the best route to take have to be taken as swiftly as possible.
The race for individual competitors will take place on Ascension Day in the Dahlen Heath area near Sitzenroda, 50 km east of Leipzig. There will also be courses for beginners, and spectators are of course very welcome.
The relay event will be held on the Friday starting at 10 am in the Palm Garden in Leipzig. It will be easy to observe the runners in the park grounds, which will make it all the more exciting for spectators. There will also be an open race where visitors have the chance of trying their own hand at orienteering and discovering the appeal of this attractive sport for themselves.
Dahlener Heide bei Sitzenroda (Donnerstag), Sportcampus / Palmengarten (Freitag),
Universitätssportclub Leipzig e. V. Abt. Orientierungslauf, Wieland Kärger
Marbachstraße 16
04155 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 306 78 28
E-Mail: wkaerger@gmx.de
Further information
"Playing 2009" - European Football tournament on the occasion of 600th anniversary University of Leipzig
A football tournament seems to be an ideal possibility to celebrate this event jointly with students and other members of different european universities.
Studierende 2009
Universitätsstraße 16, Zi. 0209a
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 37-807/-808
E-Mail: fussball@studierende2009.de
Further information
interFaces: VIIth West Slavic Student Conference Leipzig - Prague - Wroclaw "Cultural Translations: A Comparison of the Czech, Polish and German Languages, Literature, Culture"
The 2009 conference deals specifically with German-Czech-Polish translation references as reflected in language, literature and culture.
The event languages are Polish and Czech, and also German in some exceptional cases.
Contact addresses:
for German participants:
Universität Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang F. Schwarz
Prof. Dr. Danuta Rytel-Schwarz
E-Mail: wschwarz@rz.uni-leipzig.de / rytelkuc@rz.uni-leipzig.de
for Czech participants:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Prof. PhDr, Jiri Holy, CSc.
E-Mail: jiri.holy@ff.cuni.cz
for Polish participants:
Uniwersytet Wroclawski
Dr. Alina Jurasz
E-Mail: alinajurasz@yahoo.pl
- Tschechisch / Czech
- Polnisch / Polish
- Deutsch / German
Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Karlsuniversität Prag),
Universität Leipzig, Institut für Slavistik/FR Westslawistik
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 37450
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 37499
E-Mail: wschwarz@rz.uni-leipzig.de
Further information
International Students Week
Organised by students for students, the ISW is a multicultural series of events that has no equivalent elsewhere in Germany and is aimed at fostering understanding between different cultures and tolerance in general. Since its inception in 1994, ISW has established itself as a top academic and cultural event in Leipzig and has grown into a crossroads of cultural encounter and intercultural communication.
StudentInnenrat der Universität Leipzig, Ausschuss ISW 2009
Universitätsstraße 1
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 37850
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 37859
E-Mail: isw2009@stura.uni-leipzig.de
Further information
Welcome Week for International Students
To make starting at the University easier for the new international students, the International Centre will, as usual, organise a Welcome Week in 2009, thus easing the "freshers" path through the "bureaucratic jungle".
Through a varied programme including a city tour, campus rally, bowling, guided tour of the library, and games evening, the students can both gain a first impression of Leipzig as their adoptive city and get to know each other.
Over a dozen Leipzig students actively help with the Welcome Week by handing out "welcome bags" and forging the first contacts with their new fellow students. Welcome Week ends with a party on the Friday, when the foreign students are officially welcomed. After a small cultural programme they then celebrate the start of the semester in Leipzig with numerous German students.
Universität Leipzig, Seminargebäude, Raum 423 - 425, Universitätsstraße 1, 04109 Leipzig
Akademisches Auslandsamt
Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 32020
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 32049
E-Mail: aaa@uni-leipzig.de