Highlights of the anniversary

Saturday, May 9, 2009, 7:00 pm
Gewandhaus zu LeipzigArtikel drucken

Opening concert

When the University's musical director raises his baton in the Gewandhaus on May 9, it will mark the official opening of Universität Leipzig's anniversary year.


The Leipziger Universitätsmusik ensembles will be putting the numerous guests of honour in the mood for the anniversary celebrations from May 9 to December 2, 2009, with a musical journey through six hundred years of University history.
The audience will first of all be transported back musically to the period around 1409. Following this, the Leipzig University Choir will perform music from the time of Johann Sebastian Bach, including one cantata from the "Festmusiken zu Leipziger Universitätsfeiern", festival music written for the University by Leipzig's famous composer. To close, the Leipzig University Orchestra invites us to take a foray into the Romantic era, after which the University big band will bring us full circle back to the present day with a programme of modern music.
The opening address delivered by the the vice-chancellor of the Universität Leipzig and speeches by guests of honour, including the vice-chancellor of the Karlsuniversität in Prague will underscore the solemnity of the occasion and the importance of the 600th anniversary of Germany's second-oldest university.

Entry by invitation only.


Gewandhaus zu Leipzig, Augustusplatz 8, 04109 Leipzig


Geschäftsstelle 2009
Ritterstraße 30-36
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 35035
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 35039
E-Mail: 2009@uni-leipzig.de

Monday, May 11, 2009, 2:00 pm
till Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Alte HandelsbörseArtikel drucken

Knowledge and Intellect. University cultures in past, present and future

The interdisciplinary international symposium on "University Cultures" is an overarching historical review taking in the founding of the first universities, the current situation and the future of university.


Well-known figures from the worlds of science, politics and the media, as well as from funding organisations, discuss the historical background to the founding of the first universities, as well as the current situation and the challenges facing universities at the start of the 21st century. Over three days, the event will explore different aspects of the unique social institution that "university" represents: founding cultures, present-day cultures and future cultures.
To close the symposium, the vice-chancellors and presidents of traditional European universities will discuss proposals for a university of the future based on a number of position statements, and present the results to the Regional Delegation of the Free State of Saxony in Berlin on May 13, 2009, in the presence of a broad media audience.

  • Englisch / English
  • Deutsch / German

Alte Handelsbörse, Naschmarkt, 04109 Leipzig


Prorektorat für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Nicole Groß
Ritterstraße 26
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 30025
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 30029
E-Mail: nicole.gross@uni-leipzig.de

Further information
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
till Sunday, June 7, 2009
Laufstrecke von Prag über Kladno, Most, Freiberg, Bad Lausick nach LeipzigArtikel drucken

Prague-Leipzig Run

On June 7, runners from Prague will be arriving in Leipzig! Six hundred years ago, disputes led German professors and students to leave the Karlsuniversität in Prague to found a new centre of intellectual study - the alma mater Lipsiensis.

For the start of the 600th anniversary celebrations of Universität Leipzig, an "ultra-marathon" will be commemorating this 270-kilometre march and its historical importance, as well as highlighting the close links between the two universities for the people of the two cities and regions.
The route will take them from Prague to Leipzig via Kladno, Most, Freiberg and Bad Lausick.

  • Tschechisch / Czech
  • Englisch / English
  • Deutsch / German

Laufstrecke von Prag über Kladno, Most, Freiberg, Bad Lausick nach Leipzig,


Sportwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Jahnallee 59
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 31618
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 31607
E-Mail: lauf-prag-leipzig@uni-leipzig.de

Further information
Friday, June 5, 2009
till Sunday, June 7, 2009
Leipziger InnenstadtArtikel drucken

Alumni Meeting

Worldwide, there are more than 150,000 graduates of Universität Leipzig. They have all played a part in and left their own mark on the history of the University.

Bild Alumni-Treffen

This is why alumni from all over the world are invited to join in the 600th anniversary celebrations of their alma mater Lipsiensis.
The first Inter-Faculty Alumni Meeting will be opened by the anniversary patron, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher, former German Foreign Minister and an alumnus of the Law Faculty, together with the vice-chancellor.
The former graduates will be able to trace the 600-year history of Universität Leipzig through guided tours of the Bibliotheca Albertina, the University Archive and the University Museums. Needless to say, all alumni are welcome to visit their former faculties and residences. Meals in the University canteen and receptions on the Friday and Saturday evenings will also help to take them back to their student days. In addition, former graduates have a chance to "rediscover" the University and city during the "campus 2009" science fair which will be taking place simultaneously, as part of the Leipzig City Festival.

Contact for German alumni:
Public Relations Department, Alumni Office
Christin Wätzel
E-Mail: alumni@uni-leipzig.de
Phone: +49 (0)341 97 35004

Contact for international alumni:
International Centre, Leipzig Alumni International
Susann Feik
E-Mail: lai@uni-leipzig.de
Phone: +49 (0)341 97 32024


Leipziger Innenstadt, Info-Punkt Seminargebäude, Universitätsstraße, 04109 Leipzig


Dezernat für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Forschungsförderung
Ritterstraße 26
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 35004
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 35009
E-Mail: alumni@uni-leipzig.de

Further information
Saturday, June 6, 2009
till Sunday, June 7, 2009
AugustusplatzArtikel drucken

campus 2009

Science to have and to hold - that's how the University will be presenting itself to the people of Leipzig.

Chemische Experimente auf der Bühne

"Campus", the great annual science fair in Leipzig's city centre has been held since 1999. In this anniversary year, "campus 2009" will be part and parcel of the Leipzig City Festival and will have as its theme "Thinking is Fun". The different faculties and institutions of Universität Leipzig will be introducing themselves in the tents of the "Science Fair" and on stage as part of the City Festival events. They will be offering all kinds of insights into their scientific and academic work, showing the latest research findings and some thrilling exhibits, and inviting the people of Leipzig to come and chat with experts. The range of subjects is as varied as the teaching and research that goes on at Universität Leipzig. A musical programme will round out the event.


Augustusplatz, 04109 Leipzig


Dezernat für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Forschungsförderung
Ritterstraße 26
04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 97 35000
Fax: +49 (0)341 97 35009
E-Mail: dez5@uni-leipzig.de

Further information


Geschäftsstelle 2009
Tel +49 (0) 341 97-35035
Fax +49 (0) 341 97-35039
Mail 2009@uni-leipzig.de